Ok, I know I haven't made a normal post in a while. So I decided to make a normal post because it's X-mas. So here we go, first my real name, age and where I come from. My real name is Erfan (pronounced air-fun) But you, yes you can call me XP17 or alternatively you can call me Jonny, and yes I do know there is supposed to be a "h" after the letter "o" but I don't care. Next is my age I am 11... Thats all I have to say. Final part, where I come from. I come from Iran, I feel very scared saying that because Goerge W Bush named Iran as one of the countries within the axis of evil. If you're wondering how I know that it's because I Googled "Evil countries" I don't know why I searched that, probably because I was into geography and at the time my brain was probably telling me this "An easy way to be good at geography is to learn which countries are evil... Srsly" Well that's it really, I don't have anything else to say for this post bye...
Many thanks,